US election news and news Trump

Supreme Court Surprises in Trump’s Immunity Battle

In a surprising twist for Trump, the US Supreme Court rejects fast-tracking the decision on his immunity from federal prosecution over 2020 election claims. A setback in breaking US election news and bad news for Trump as Special Counsel Jack Smith’s plea faces a pivotal denial.

The Indictment: Trump faced indictment in June by Special Counsel Jack Smith, charged with conspiring to impede the peaceful transfer of power. Trump, claiming absolute immunity as president, sought dismissal, leading to a legal standoff.

Strategic Delays: Trump’s legal team aimed for delays, strategically counting on appeals processes to extend the timeline. With a trial scheduled for March 2024, Trump hoped for potential dismissal if he secured re-election.

Judge’s Rejection: Judge Tanya Chutkan rejected Trump’s immunity claim on December 1, opening the path for the appeal process. Despite the setback, Trump’s team anticipated leveraging the Supreme Court for additional delay.

Preemptive Move: Special Counsel Jack Smith sought to bypass the DC circuit and have the Supreme Court directly rule on immunity. However, the court’s denial favored Trump’s argument that prosecutors lacked a basis for appealing a favorable trial court ruling.

Trump’s Response: Trump, a 2024 Republican presidential frontrunner, welcomed the decision, maintaining former presidents’ immunity from criminal charges tied to official responsibilities. The rejected expedited review puts the spotlight on the DC circuit’s January oral arguments, potentially complicating the March trial date.

Fundamental Questions: The legal battle raises fundamental questions about a former president’s absolute immunity from federal prosecution for actions during their term. As the case proceeds through appeals, the nation anticipates the resolution of this unprecedented legal dispute.


In a surprising twist for Trump, the US Supreme Court rejects fast-tracking the decision on his immunity from federal prosecution over 2020 election claims. A setback in breaking US election news and bad news for Trump as Special Counsel Jack Smith’s plea faces a pivotal denial. The Indictment: Trump faced indictment in June by Special…

In a surprising twist for Trump, the US Supreme Court rejects fast-tracking the decision on his immunity from federal prosecution over 2020 election claims. A setback in breaking US election news and bad news for Trump as Special Counsel Jack Smith’s plea faces a pivotal denial. The Indictment: Trump faced indictment in June by Special…

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