Djokovic holds 24 Grand Slam titles, 40 Masters titles, and seven ATP Finals victories. 

In 2018, Djokovic nearly quit tennis but was swayed by wife Jelena's support. 

Djokovic and Jelena met in high school, got engaged in 2013, and married in 2014. 

Early on, the couple faced financial challenges; Jelena later left her job for their charity. 

Djokovic and Jelena married in 2014, shortly after his second Wimbledon win. 

The couple welcomed Stefan in 2014 and Tara in 2017. 

Djokovic admires women's efforts in parenting, praising Jelena's role. 

Djokovic credits Jelena for enabling him to balance tennis and family life. 

Djokovic is content with his current success and rules out playing until 50. 

Djokovic dismisses pursuing Nadal's record, content with his own accomplishments.