Most expensive movie title for 7 years. 

Linda Hamilton transformed. From scared victim to hardened protector,.

Eddie Furlong, never acted before, landed John Connor! 

Linda's twin played Sarah when T-1000 mimicked her. 

Robert Patrick studied sharks and eagles to perfect T-1000's movements:.

CGI almost caused disaster! During the motorcycle chase, the software nearly crashed it into a real biker! 

Arnie actually fired real bullets in the nightclub shootout 

This iconic line was almost cut due to violence concerns.  

"You Could Be Mine" by Guns N' Roses was written for the film, but licensing issues put it on hold. It became a major hit later. 

The infamous "thumbs-up" was originally intended to be a middle finger. 

Despite not winning Best Picture or Director, 

T2 took home 4 Oscars for its groundbreaking visual effects, sound design, and makeup.