Taylor Swift's private jet travel is being lightly joked about on social media. 

On January 30, her jet took two short flights between airports in Illinois and Missouri. 

The first flight lasted 21 minutes, and the second was just eight minutes long. 

In comparison, the less than 19-mile trip would have taken about 21 minutes by car, according to Google Maps. 

Jack Sweeney, a college student known for tracking Swift's aircraft, speculated that  

these short flights were likely maintenance or demo flights. 

Swift's private jet trips have sparked some playful commentary on social media 

with users finding humor in the idea of her using her jet for everyday tasks. 

 Some users are poking fun at her jet-setting habits, including her flight to the Super Bowl.

Jokes have been made about her using her jet for mundane tasks like getting DoorDash 

However, it's unclear if Swift is responsible for these flights 

as she reportedly parted ways with her Dassault Falcon 900 jet around the same time. 

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