Best Selling Cars US 2024

Best-Selling Cars (2015-2024) in America

In the past decade, the American car market has witnessed a notable shift in preferences, with SUVs ascending to dominance and surpassing sedans as the reigning champions. This article delves into the underlying reasons for the surge in popularity of these spacious, high-riding vehicles and addresses key inquiries surrounding America’s car buying trends from 2015 to 2024.

Best Website for Car Sales in the USA?

Navigating the online car market can be overwhelming, but fear not – we’ve compiled a list of the best websites for car sales in the USA. From the no-haggle pricing of CarMax to the transparent pricing and negotiating assistance of TrueCar, and the extensive inventory on Autotrader, there’s something for every type of buyer.

America’s Best-Selling Car Each Year (2015-2024)

Let’s take a closer look at the dynamic landscape of America’s best-selling cars over the past decade:

  • 2015: Ford F-Series The Ford F-Series started the decade on a high note, showcasing its dominance in the pickup truck category.
  • 2016: Toyota Camry In a shift from trucks to sedans, the Toyota Camry claimed the top spot in 2016 with its reputation for reliability and comfort.
  • 2017: Ford F-Series The F-Series made a triumphant return, underscoring the enduring popularity of pickup trucks.
  • 2018: Toyota Camry Once again, the Camry demonstrated its staying power, offering a winning combination of style and practicality.
  • 2019: Toyota RAV4 The RAV4, a compact SUV, signaled the beginning of the SUV takeover with its fuel efficiency and versatile design.
  • 2020: Toyota RAV4 The RAV4 continued its ascent, solidifying its status as a go-to choice for American car buyers.
  • 2021: Ford F-Series Pickup trucks maintained their dominance, with the F-Series proving its resilience once more.
  • 2022: Ford F-Series The F-Series continued to rule the roost, showcasing its appeal to a wide range of consumers.
  • 2023: Ford F-Series The F-Series maintained its streak, marking 46 consecutive years at the top of the charts.
  • 2024: (Prediction) While the future is uncertain, the Ford F-Series and Toyota RAV4 are expected to remain strong contenders, reflecting the ongoing preferences of American car buyers.

Unpacking the Popularity of SUVs

Several factors contribute to the SUV’s success story, including versatility, practicality, an enhanced driving experience, and advanced safety features. We break down why SUVs have become the go-to choice for families, outdoor enthusiasts, and road trippers.

Looking Ahead: The SUV Supremacy Continues

As manufacturers refine and innovate, the SUV adventure shows no signs of slowing down. We anticipate more advanced and appealing SUV options hitting the market in the coming years, ensuring that the SUV’s winning combination of utility, comfort, and style remains unmatched.


In the ever-evolving landscape of American car buying, understanding the reasons behind SUV dominance is key. Whether you’re exploring the best websites for car sales, curious about the top-selling cars each year, or looking for the best buy in 2024, this article aims to provide valuable insights to make your car hunting journey a smooth ride. Happy exploring!

In the past decade, the American car market has witnessed a notable shift in preferences, with SUVs ascending to dominance and surpassing sedans as the reigning champions. This article delves into the underlying reasons for the surge in popularity of these spacious, high-riding vehicles and addresses key inquiries surrounding America’s car buying trends from 2015…

In the past decade, the American car market has witnessed a notable shift in preferences, with SUVs ascending to dominance and surpassing sedans as the reigning champions. This article delves into the underlying reasons for the surge in popularity of these spacious, high-riding vehicles and addresses key inquiries surrounding America’s car buying trends from 2015…

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