new york times Lawsuit Against OpenAI, Microsoft

Copyright Alert: NYT’s Lawsuit Against OpenAI, Microsoft

Breaking news on the internet: Two of the biggest names in the tech industry, Microsoft and OpenAI, find themselves at the center of a groundbreaking lawsuit filed by The New York Times (NYT). The media giant alleges that these tech behemoths engaged in the unauthorized use of millions of NYT articles to fuel the development of their AI models, notably ChatGPT and Copilot. This legal move signals a significant development in the intersection of technology, artificial intelligence, and copyright protection, as NYT seeks justice for what it deems as the misappropriation of its proprietary content.

  1. Alleged Copyright Infringement: NYT claims that Microsoft and OpenAI utilized its proprietary content to train their artificial intelligence models, leading to the generation of content that closely mimics NYT’s distinctive style and verbatim excerpts, thus competing directly with the media outlet.
  2. Billions in Damages Sought: The lawsuit seeks “billions of dollars” in damages, alleging that Microsoft and OpenAI are benefiting from a “free ride” on NYT’s substantial journalism investment without permission or compensation.
  3. Impact on Revenue: NYT argues that ChatGPT and Copilot’s ability to generate content akin to NYT’s undermines its relationship with readers and results in a loss of revenue, including subscription fees, licensing, advertising, and affiliate revenue.
  4. Preventing Unauthorized Use: The legal action is part of a wider effort by NYT and other publications to block OpenAI’s web crawler from extracting content from their websites, preventing the unauthorized use of proprietary content for AI model training.

Explanation of Lawsuit: The lawsuit alleges that Microsoft and OpenAI used millions of NYT articles without permission to train their AI models, infringing on copyright. The AI models in question, namely ChatGPT and Copilot, allegedly produce content that closely resembles and competes with NYT’s offerings. NYT contends that this unauthorized use undermines its revenue streams and the integrity of its journalism.

Why Sue Big Companies: The lawsuit argues that Microsoft and OpenAI have capitalized on NYT’s journalism investment without permission, creating AI models that directly compete with the media outlet. The alleged infringement poses a threat to NYT’s revenue and market position, justifying the pursuit of significant damages.

Why Now: The legal action comes amid a broader global scrutiny of data origins used by AI companies. NYT and other publications are actively working to prevent the unauthorized use of their content for AI model training, reflecting a growing awareness of the importance of protecting proprietary information.

Current Developments and Responses: The lawsuit was filed in a Manhattan federal court, seeking substantial damages. Microsoft and OpenAI, as of now, have not responded publicly to the allegations. The legal action adds to a series of lawsuits faced by OpenAI, including those from authors and computing experts, reflecting a broader trend of increased scrutiny and legal challenges in the AI sector.

The outcome of these legal battles could have far-reaching implications for the relationship between news publishers and AI entities, influencing how data is used to train large language models and the responsibilities of tech companies in safeguarding copyrighted content.



Q: Has Microsoft been involved in any lawsuits?

A: Yes, Microsoft has faced various legal challenges over the years. These include lawsuits against the United States, the European Union, and other competitors.


Q: Can we predict how many lawsuits Microsoft will face in 2024?

A: Predicting the exact number of lawsuits for Microsoft in 2024 is tough due to several reasons. First, unforeseen events like new legal disputes arising from product launches, regulatory changes, or competitor actions are hard to anticipate. Additionally, existing lawsuits can be settled, dismissed, or go to trial throughout the year, affecting the overall count. Microsoft doesn’t readily disclose the number of active lawsuits, making projections challenging.

Q: What is the largest lawsuit settlement ever paid?

A: In 1998, the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement set a historic record as the largest lawsuit settlement ever, amounting to a staggering $206 billion. This agreement, finalized in November 1998, still holds the title for the most substantial settlement in the history of legal resolutions.


Breaking news on the internet: Two of the biggest names in the tech industry, Microsoft and OpenAI, find themselves at the center of a groundbreaking lawsuit filed by The New York Times (NYT). The media giant alleges that these tech behemoths engaged in the unauthorized use of millions of NYT articles to fuel the development…

Breaking news on the internet: Two of the biggest names in the tech industry, Microsoft and OpenAI, find themselves at the center of a groundbreaking lawsuit filed by The New York Times (NYT). The media giant alleges that these tech behemoths engaged in the unauthorized use of millions of NYT articles to fuel the development…

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