Ohio news 2024 New Laws

Ohio 2024 New Laws: Wages and Social Media

“Ever wondered what’s happening in Ohio? Brace yourself for some big changes in 2024! Not only is the minimum wage getting a boost, but there’s also a game-changer for kids under 16—the Social Media Parental Notification Act. Join us as we unpack Ohio’s latest laws, diving into the wage hikes and the innovative approach to kids’ online activities. Let’s explore how these changes are set to reshape the state’s digital scene and impact the younger generation.”


New laws Ohio Today

1. Minimum Wage Increase

January 1, 2024, marks a significant day for Ohio’s workforce as the state’s minimum wage undergoes a boost. Envisioned by a constitutional amendment passed in 2006, the minimum wage is set to rise based on the rate of inflation. For non-tipped employees, the wage increases from $10.10 to $10.45 per hour, and for tipped employees, it jumps from $5.05 to $5.25 per hour. This move reflects Ohio’s commitment to fair compensation in a changing economic landscape.

2.  Social Media Parental Notification Act

A game-changer in the realm of digital parenting, Ohio’s Social Media Parental Notification Act comes into play on January 15, 2024. This act, spearheaded by Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and advocated by Lt. Gov. Jon Husted, introduces a revolutionary shift in how young individuals engage with social media. Minors aged 16 and under will now need parental consent before accessing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Snapchat.

3. Balancing Privacy and Protection

To ensure compliance with the new law, social media platforms are tasked with implementing robust verification procedures. If a user indicates they are under 16, verification methods include signing a digital consent form, using online payment systems, calling a toll-free number, or connecting with trained personnel via video conference. This process aims to strike a balance between protecting minors and respecting their privacy.

4. Prioritizing Mental Health over Addiction

Lt. Gov. Jon Husted, a driving force behind the Social Media Parental Notification Act, expresses concerns about the addictive nature of social media and its potential harm to children’s mental health. He believes it’s time for parents to regain control over their children’s digital lives. Husted emphasizes the importance of limiting screen time and implementing content filters to ensure age-appropriate online experiences.

5. Meta’s Proactive Measures

Major players in the social media landscape, such as Meta (owner of Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms), have already taken steps to address these concerns. Meta has implemented age verification technology and privacy features tailored to teenagers’ experiences. Accounts for users under 16 are automatically set to private, reflecting the company’s commitment to creating a safe online environment.

6. The Call for Federal Legislation

In a noteworthy move, Meta’s Director of Global Head of Safety, Antigone Davis, advocates for federal legislation requiring parental approval for app downloads by teens under 16. This collaborative approach between industry leaders and lawmakers aims to create efficient ways for parents to oversee their teens’ online experiences. Instagram, a platform under Meta, is already backing federal legislation, signaling a potential shift in industry norms.

7.  A History of Legal Battles

While Ohio pioneers this parental consent legislation, other states have faced challenges in implementing similar laws. Legal battles, as seen in Arkansas following a lawsuit from NetChoice, highlight the industry’s resistance to such interventions. Lt. Gov. Husted acknowledges the potential for legal pushback in Ohio and warns of a more aggressive response if companies fail to comply.

8. Civil Penalties and Fines

The Social Media Parental Notification Act doesn’t merely rely on good faith compliance. Companies failing to adhere to the law will face civil penalties and fines, clearly outlined in the law’s revised code. Lt. Gov. Husted asserts that Ohio is ready to take a firm stance against companies that resist these measures, signaling a commitment to enforcing the newly established regulations.


Where can I find Ohio laws?

Official Government Resources:

  1. Ohio Revised Code: The official collection of Ohio laws organized by topic. You can find it at codes.ohio.gov.
  2. Ohio Laws – Ohio Secretary of State: Check bill effective dates and filed legislation at ohiosos.gov.
  3. Laws – Ohio Legislature: Visit legislature.ohio.gov/laws for an overview and links to Ohio laws.

Unofficial Resources:

  1. FindLaw: This website provides summaries of Ohio laws and articles on legal topics. Explore it at codes.findlaw.com/oh/.
  2. Legal Information Institute (Cornell University): Access the Ohio Revised Code and other legal resources at lawschool.cornell.edu.

Additional Tips:

  • Use keywords like “Ohio laws on [topic]” when searching for specific laws.
  • Remember that legal matters can be complex, and it’s a good idea to consult with an attorney for specific questions or advice.


Did minimum wage go up in Ohio?

Good news! The minimum wage in Ohio increased on January 1, 2023. Here are the new rates:

  • Non-tipped employees: $10.10 per hour (up from $9.30)
  • Tipped employees: $5.05 per hour (up from $4.65)

Note: These rates apply to businesses with annual gross receipts exceeding $372,000. For employees at smaller companies and 14- and 15-year-olds, the state’s minimum wage remains $7.25 per hour, the federal minimum wage.

Look ahead to 2024:

  • On January 1, 2024, the minimum wage in Ohio is set to increase again:
    • Non-tipped employees: $10.45 per hour
    • Tipped employees: $5.25 per hour


As Ohio steps into 2024, the state sets a precedent for proactive legislative measures addressing both economic and digital challenges. The increase in minimum wage reflects a commitment to fair compensation, while the Social Media Parental Notification Act redefines parental control in the age of social media. Ohio’s bold steps raise critical questions about the balance between digital freedom and parental responsibility, setting the stage for potential nationwide discussions on the regulation of children’s online experiences. As we navigate the complexities of the digital era, Ohio’s new laws invite us to reflect on the evolving landscape of work and the ever-expanding role of technology in shaping young minds.



“Ever wondered what’s happening in Ohio? Brace yourself for some big changes in 2024! Not only is the minimum wage getting a boost, but there’s also a game-changer for kids under 16—the Social Media Parental Notification Act. Join us as we unpack Ohio’s latest laws, diving into the wage hikes and the innovative approach to…

“Ever wondered what’s happening in Ohio? Brace yourself for some big changes in 2024! Not only is the minimum wage getting a boost, but there’s also a game-changer for kids under 16—the Social Media Parental Notification Act. Join us as we unpack Ohio’s latest laws, diving into the wage hikes and the innovative approach to…

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