REASON Why doesn't Shannen Doherty want people at her funeral

REASON: Why doesn’t Shannen Doherty want people at her funeral?

In a recent episode of her podcast, “Let’s Be Clear with Shannen Doherty,” the Beverly Hills, 90210 alum opened up about planning her own funeral. Shannen Doherty, who is battling Stage 4 breast cancer, engaged in a candid and morbid, yet surprisingly fun, conversation with her best friend and will executor, Chris Cortazzo. The actress expressed her desire for a joyous celebration rather than a somber event and revealed her intention to keep the guest list exclusive.

The Guest List

Doherty admitted to being “horrible at funerals” and disclosed that she wants her funeral to be a love fest rather than a sorrowful affair. While discussing the guest list, she hinted at excluding individuals who may attend for insincere reasons, stating, “they don’t really like me enough to show up to my funeral.” The actress expressed a desire to spare such individuals from feeling obligated to attend and emphasized her wish for the event to be a genuine celebration of her life.


Doherty explained that some people might attend her funeral for politically correct reasons, not out of genuine affection. She stressed her distaste for insincerity and fake gestures, expressing a preference for those who truly appreciate her presence in their lives. Although she refrained from naming specific individuals on her exclusion list, she emphasized the importance of authenticity and genuine connections.


The actress delved into her aversion to fake behavior, stating that she cannot stand people who suddenly pretend to have changed their ways or found redemption. Doherty emphasized the importance of sincerity and highlighted her preference for people who are authentic, acknowledging that certain individuals just “don’t like” her.

Planning Funeral:

Amidst her battle with Stage 4 breast cancer, Doherty also shared her thoughts on what happens after her passing. She expressed her wish to be cremated and disclosed plans for her ashes. Doherty granted Cortazzo permission to create a piece of jewelry incorporating a portion of her ashes. Furthermore, she revealed her desire to have her ashes mixed with those of her dog and late father.

Shannen Doherty’s candid discussion about planning her own funeral sheds light on her desire for authenticity and genuine connections in both life and death. As she navigates her health battle, the actress remains focused on ensuring that her final celebration reflects the love and meaningful connections she has shared throughout her life.


Shannen Doherty, known for her resilience in the face of adversity, has not explicitly stated her preferences for her funeral, but her public comments provide insight into potential considerations. Rather than dwelling on speculation about exclusions, let’s focus on celebrating her life, strength, and positive impact.

Respecting Privacy:

Throughout her life, Shannen Doherty has cherished her privacy, particularly during her battles with cancer. It is reasonable to infer that a private funeral might align with her desire for intimacy and a controlled environment for grieving. This choice may not be about exclusion but rather about creating a space where her loved ones can mourn in a more personal setting.

Protecting Loved Ones:

Grieving is a deeply personal and emotional process. By opting for a private ceremony, Doherty may be prioritizing the well-being of her close family and friends. Shielding them from the emotional strain of a large gathering could be her way of showing love and consideration during a challenging time.

Avoiding Negativity:

Shannen Doherty has faced negativity and judgment throughout her life. A private funeral could be a strategic choice to sidestep potential drama or hurtful speculation. Choosing to keep the ceremony more intimate may allow for a more positive and respectful farewell, focusing on the celebration of her life rather than external opinions.

Focus on Celebration:

Expressing a desire for her life to be remembered with joy and positivity, Doherty may envision a smaller gathering where those present can share happy memories. By emphasizing the celebration of her life, rather than mourning her passing, she encourages a more uplifting atmosphere that aligns with her wishes.

Spiritual Beliefs:

Considering Doherty’s personal beliefs, a private and potentially more spiritual or religious ceremony with a limited circle of participants might be in line with her preferences. For some individuals, the intimacy of a smaller gathering can enhance the spiritual and meaningful aspects of a farewell.

While speculation about who may be excluded from Shannen Doherty’s funeral can be tempting, it is crucial to respect her privacy and focus on celebrating her legacy. By remembering her work, supporting the causes she cared about, and sharing fond memories, we can honor her strength and positive impact on the world. In doing so, we contribute to a narrative that reflects the essence of Shannen Doherty’s life rather than dwelling on the details of her farewell.

In a recent episode of her podcast, “Let’s Be Clear with Shannen Doherty,” the Beverly Hills, 90210 alum opened up about planning her own funeral. Shannen Doherty, who is battling Stage 4 breast cancer, engaged in a candid and morbid, yet surprisingly fun, conversation with her best friend and will executor, Chris Cortazzo. The actress…

In a recent episode of her podcast, “Let’s Be Clear with Shannen Doherty,” the Beverly Hills, 90210 alum opened up about planning her own funeral. Shannen Doherty, who is battling Stage 4 breast cancer, engaged in a candid and morbid, yet surprisingly fun, conversation with her best friend and will executor, Chris Cortazzo. The actress…

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