You Won't Believe What Ric Flair's Doing at 74

You Won’t Believe What Ric Flair’s Doing at 74

Ric Flair, the flamboyant “Nature Boy”, remains a WWE icon long after his in-ring career officially ended in 2008. But at 74 years old, Flair refuses to fade into wrestling history. Here’s a look at the legend’s latest updates, activities, news, and social media presence:

Latest News:

  • AEW Signing: In November 2023, Flair surprised fans by signing with All Elite Wrestling (AEW), WWE’s biggest competitor. Though yet to wrestle, he acts as a manager for Andrade El Idolo.
  • Health Concerns: Recent public appearances have sparked concerns about Flair’s health. Fans expressed worry after his shaky interview during the NFL playoffs in January 2024.
  • Movie Debut: Flair will soon make his acting debut in an R-rated wrestling comedy, adding another chapter to his diverse career.

Current Activities:

  • Managing: In AEW, Flair’s primary role is managing Andrade El Idolo, helping build his storyline and hype matches.
  • Public Appearances: Flair remains in demand for conventions, speaking engagements, and promotional deals.
  • Social Media: He’s active on Twitter (@RicFlairNatrBoy) with 1.2 million followers and Instagram (@ricflairnatureboy) with 2.6 million. He posts wrestling memories, personal updates, and promotional content.

Life and Legacy:

  • World Champion: Officially recognized by WWE as a 16-time world champion (across NWA, WCW, and WWF), Flair’s reign as “champion” is debated, with some claiming up to 21 reigns.
  • WrestleMania: He headlined 8 WrestleMania events and delivered iconic moments like his tearful retirement in 2008.
  • Controversies: Flair’s career hasn’t been without personal struggles and accusations. He’s openly discussed past health issues and legal troubles.


  • Is Ric Flair retired?

Technically yes, but he remains involved in wrestling through AEW and public appearances.

  • Will he ever wrestle again?

Unlikely due to health concerns, though he hasn’t definitively closed the door.

What’s his net worth?

Estimates range from $10 million to $30 million, with his post-wrestling ventures contributing significantly.

The Nature Boy’s Future:

While age and health keep in-ring competition uncertain, Ric Flair’s impact on wrestling remains undeniable. His captivating persona, legendary matches, and undeniable charisma ensure his place as a wrestling icon for generations to come. Whether managing, making movies, or simply enjoying life (and, of course, saying “Wooooo!”), Ric Flair will undoubtedly continue to entertain and engage wrestling fans for years to come.

Additional Resources:

So, there you have it – a snapshot of Ric Flair’s life in 2024. Remember, as the Nature Boy himself would say, “To be the man, you have to beat the man!” And whether in the ring or out, Ric Flair continues to beat the odds and entertain fans worldwide.

Ric Flair, the flamboyant “Nature Boy”, remains a WWE icon long after his in-ring career officially ended in 2008. But at 74 years old, Flair refuses to fade into wrestling history. Here’s a look at the legend’s latest updates, activities, news, and social media presence: Latest News: AEW Signing: In November 2023, Flair surprised fans by signing…

Ric Flair, the flamboyant “Nature Boy”, remains a WWE icon long after his in-ring career officially ended in 2008. But at 74 years old, Flair refuses to fade into wrestling history. Here’s a look at the legend’s latest updates, activities, news, and social media presence: Latest News: AEW Signing: In November 2023, Flair surprised fans by signing…

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